Knowing the motivations of market movers can keep you three steps ahead.
So, rather than chase the next hot stock…
We focus on where institutional capital is deployed.
A good example is Shopify (SHOP).

Stock Chart
During the bank turmoil, most people sold everything and stuffed it under their mattresses… yet a wave of institutional capital flowed into the e-commerce stock…
Market movers like Bridgewater Associates used it to “store cash.”
So it was set up for a massive push higher, and if you’d taken a position when we got in… your initial capital could’ve grown by 47% last month, thanks to SHOP options.
Not shabby, given the market conditions.
Still, it’s Not Just The Deployment
Of Institutional Capital We Look At
Remember how I said in February that when it comes to successful trading….
Knowing what to buy is as critical as learning what companies to avoid?
One of several ways we avoid trouble is to check if a stock is “top-heavy.”
That’s when many market participants own the stock at higher prices.
That’s often a tell-tale sign that the stock is set up for a rollover…
And you’ll want to tread with caution regardless of media narratives.
Take Nvidia (NVDA).

Stock Chart
As you may know, it’s one of the world’s leading semiconductor powerhouses.
Like most tech giants, it posted disappointing returns amid the carnage last year.
Still, thanks to blockchain’s resurgence and the emerging AI economy…
(A boon for big semiconductor players like NVDA)
The Stock Regained Momentum and Has
Been on a Solid Run These Past Few Weeks
So, time to get in, right?
Not if you understand what’s going on in the screenshot below.
That’s a roadmap from NVDA’s recent rally:
It shows more volume has traded above $270 than in any other part of this rally.
In other words, more market participants own the stock at higher prices.
So regardless of media narratives, it’s top-heavy, and if the $270 level cracks…
You have a new class of bagholders desperate to sell; that’s the ideal time to get in.
The operative word here is “timing.”
That’s The Difference Between Painful
Losses and Account-Fattening Returns
Get in a few seconds too late or too early… and you’re left holding the bag.
Still, when you have a roadmap telling you where prices will be (and when to get in)…
You can ignore the noise and focus on monthly setups that grow your cash.
That’s been our approach for thirteen years.
And like the 45 new retail traders who built a second income stream following our work last year… I’m confident anyone can get exceptional results with the insight above.
If you want to see how we find monthly setups poised to move higher …
We have free training on making this choppy economy work to your advantage.
Watch it here while it’s available.
And let me know if you have any questions.
Original Post Can be Found HERE