Well, it finally happened… the Biden Admin got something passed and it’s a real DOOZY!
By now, you might have heard how it massively expands the Inquisitors (ahem, I mean IRS)…
And how it earmarks slabs of ooey, gooey pork fat for “Green Energy”…
But there’s one little corner of the 700+ page bill that’s gotten very little attention…
It guarantees that subsidies for the ACA are going to stick around.
Now, here’s why this matters…
You’ve probably heard of the American Association of Retired Persons… better known as AARP right?
They send out the periodicals with famous boomers yucking it up in their golden years…
But what you might not know about them is that they also have BIG lobby power…
… and for their trouble, they get beaucoup kickbacks from insurers.
To the tune of 100s of millions of smackeroos every single year!
So, right about now they are popping the champagne corks at AARP HQ…
… because the Inflation Expansion Act (oops, I mean “Reduction”)…
Is about to send a massive flood of money into their coffers.
Now, you and I know that a titanic spending package will reduce inflation about as much as a microwave burrito will tamp down on heartburn…
… but that doesn’t mean we can’t fill our trading accounts in the meantime.Because in addition to AARP getting a nice boost from the spending bonanza…
We here at Precision Volume Alerts have sussed out 2 names in the insurance racket (I mean “industry”)…
That are poised to soar like a screaming eagle!
First off we have Cigna, ticker symbol CI, which is jamming to new highs:

CI Chart
It looks like CI is gaining a little weight on the pan drippings from the juicy pork loin congress just roasted up…
Then there’s a little company you might have heard of called United Healthgroup (UNH):

UNH Chart
They also look like they’re dipping their bread into the grease…
I expect both names to be well-nourished from the bonanza of spending.
But don’t go out and load up just yet, they’re nearing their all-time highs so I expect them to pull back in the near term.
Which will give us prime opportunities to use our Trading Roadmap to fill our pockets on the dips.
If you want to know more about how we’re going to play this, including the price targets that the Big Institutions are eyeballing…
>>> Join Me Here And Let Me Pull Back The Curtain
Original Post Can be Found HERE