In the market, “what goes up, must come down.”
Similar to gravity, it’s one of those natural laws that doesn’t change.
The difference is, that like crime, gravity doesn’t pay.
But for savvy investors, the market definitely pays.
And we’re about to show you an opportunity for a big pay out.
You just have to know when and where to ‘put’ your coins.
There’s a certain global tech giant that’s recently been going up, and up, and up.
Thing is, it’s skyrocketing right into a split.
When those conditions meet a decline in volume, the stock drops like a rock.
We’ve watched this scene play out before in August 2020, with tech behemoths AAPL and Tesla.
Tesla actually saw a 50% correction.
For investors in the right place at the right time, it presented a huge opportunity to profit on its way down.
This next rug pull could happen at any time in the next couple of weeks.
So, you’ve got to move on it now.
In the video above, I’m walking you through every technical step of this phenomenon…
I’m also going to show you how you can get in on this golden set up early enough to reap the juicy profits.
Check it out…