Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
What about three times?
I’m out at a conference in Vegas, and we were taking an Uber back from an NFT rave. This was the most 2022 sentence I’ve ever written.
Our driver learned I was into stocks, and then he went on a rant about how the market is about to take a dump.
When I hear things like this, my contrarian hat gets put on. If everyone and their taxi driver is expecting a crash, then is it possible?

See that June crash? That was on the CPI print.
See the big September rollover? More inflation data drove it lower.
And now we’re coming into another CPI print, and it’s looking hot.

We’ve talked about this before, but there is a massive liquidity pocket in this market, and yeah we could see a swoosh lower… right into a massive level.
That’s only 6% away, and that’s just normal volatility in this bear market.
The point being – even if we see a harder selloff, there are places in this market you want to bet on for a hard reversion.
That’s exactly why I love our Trading Roadmap so much…
It really highlights what’s going on with price “under the hood”.
And it seems a better strategy than just listening to your Uber driver.
Want to know more about it?
Original Post Can be Found HERE